Thursday, March 3, 2011

Busy Teachers Rejoice!

Attention TEACHERS!

Let me let you in on a little secret. You are going to LOVE this website:

This site is filled with forms, calendars, monthly themes and tons of additional resources. 

My favorite part of this website though, is its ability to type right inside calendars and forms and simply print them off - ready to use!

For example, I can open up the calendar for March and type in students names for helper of the day or sharing schedules, classroom events, etc and print it out. No worrying about saving the file first or messing with formatting settings!  (Printables --> Management & Forms)

Serious, check it out! It's defiantly a time saver!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Circus Train Cars

Something about these cute treats reminds me of Valentines Day (maybe it's because the circus comes to town every year around this time) and I knew I wanted to make something that was non-traditional. We are having a Valentines party tomorrow and I know the first graders will love these! These are simple to assemble and only took about an hour.

Here is what you'll need:
50 Lifesavers
25 Graham crackers
25 Animal crackers
A batch or two of your favorite frosting (one that hardens quickly works best)
Pastry bag
Food coloring

 Begin by covering each graham cracker with a thin coat of white frosting. Place an animal cracker in the center of the graham cracker and one Lifesaver on each of the bottom corners. I chose to use gummy Lifesavers instead of the hard candy version since these are for young children. You could use either.

For the next step, I colored my remaining frosting yellow and scooped it into a pastry bag. With a medium tip I outlined the graham cracker and added bars across the entire cracker using a slightly smaller tip.

Let the crackers dry for about an hour before packaging them up to give the frosting a chance to harden.  And the final product...

 Happy Valentines Day!

Friday, February 11, 2011

First Post!

It's 2011, and I am making my very first post in my own blog! I may be a little behind time but I figured I would try something new.

It is my hope that this blog will be filled with things that make me happy, put a smile on my face and bring joy to my life. Enjoy! :)