Sunday, February 13, 2011

Circus Train Cars

Something about these cute treats reminds me of Valentines Day (maybe it's because the circus comes to town every year around this time) and I knew I wanted to make something that was non-traditional. We are having a Valentines party tomorrow and I know the first graders will love these! These are simple to assemble and only took about an hour.

Here is what you'll need:
50 Lifesavers
25 Graham crackers
25 Animal crackers
A batch or two of your favorite frosting (one that hardens quickly works best)
Pastry bag
Food coloring

 Begin by covering each graham cracker with a thin coat of white frosting. Place an animal cracker in the center of the graham cracker and one Lifesaver on each of the bottom corners. I chose to use gummy Lifesavers instead of the hard candy version since these are for young children. You could use either.

For the next step, I colored my remaining frosting yellow and scooped it into a pastry bag. With a medium tip I outlined the graham cracker and added bars across the entire cracker using a slightly smaller tip.

Let the crackers dry for about an hour before packaging them up to give the frosting a chance to harden.  And the final product...

 Happy Valentines Day!

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